A group of experienced practitioners who want to help people and organisations overcome their barriers.
Many programmes deal with aspects of what we look at, but they are often lengthy, difficult to remember and not organised into a framework. The Glass Ceiling Project is accessible on demand and the team works hard to make the modules short, fun and relevant to real-world situations.
How is the Project structured?
The programme is structured around three key elements:
1) Life Skills
2) Job Skills
3) Specialist Skills
The Life Skills element is aimed at creating a healthy and balanced mental approach to challenges so that the individual can fully engage (and thrive) in daily life. To ensure a comprehensive approach it addresses the three basic aspects of our brain function i.e. the thinking, social and survival drivers of behaviour. The aim is to work towards fully understanding, controlling and maximising these drivers within a modern environment.
The Job Skills element fast-tracks the steep learning curve generally involved in getting a job and learning the basics of healthy interaction with colleagues, clients and managers. This element addresses accepted practises and difficult issues including rejection, dealing with difficult situations and harassment.
The Specialist Skills element provides top tips for success from experts for their stated area.
Where does the content for the Project come from?
The content of the modules is drawn from different areas including, but not limited to psychology, neuroscience, sport, culture and industry. As it is vital that the content of such programmes is firmly based on facts and evidence, each one has been developed in collaboration with experts and professionals in the relevant fields so as to ensure validity and robustness. It utilises blended learning techniques (videos, short presentations, blogs, memes) to maximise the impact and retention of the content. The modules will be described in detail on the following section.
Who is the Project aimed at?
People from all walks of life, transitioning into the work environment and wanting to increase their life, job and specialist skillsets.
How is it delivered?
The programme is primarily delivered by web-based modules which utilise videos, interviews and humour to support the content. There will be follow-up content as required.
How long does it take?
Each module is comprised of three web-based sections (20-30 mins) with short questionnaires (5 mins), follow-up interviews (up to 5 mins), blogs (up to 5 mins), and short summaries to reinforce learning. Bespoke content, face-to-face presentations and one-to-one coaching is available upon request.