Managing Others
Stepping into a management role at any age can be daunting. This module offers guidance of how to make that transition in a structured and confident manner.
One of the most important ways to manage others is to have a very clear idea of what our management style is, and the impact of our explicit behaviour and underlying agendas. The first section covers who we are as managers and how best to maximise our impact on the people that we interact with and rely upon for collaboration, education and guidance.
We move forward to the mechanics of the interactions of what we want to communicate to others, primarily how we educate ourselves on the issues at hand and how we formulate and continually develop our management vision going forwards. Within this context, we look at how best to deal with things that go wrong, to help others and not compromise our own aims with poorly thought through decisions and statements.
The final section of this module covers how best to manage your staff so that they are fully contented and constructive members of your team. How best to conduct an appraisal, encourage good behaviour, hiring and firing are covered in specific detail.